Sunday, February 22, 2009

Lazy Sunday Morning

Oh boy, after much worry I just got a message that my income tax return has been accepted by the IRS! Damn government. I was sweating for a moment.

We have laid low this weekend. Partially due to me still being a little sick and the weather has been nasty as well. We showed Maddie our condo online for Gulf Shores and she's pretty jazzed about the ocean. David and I are excited too. A much needed vacation is over due.

Due to the History Channel and Maddie's school, we have had MLK Day conversations. She's very interested. We have decided to take her to Memphis to see the MLK museum at the Lorraine Hotel.

It's fun to have these conversations with her and to see how her mind works.
"MLK was shot b/c he wanted to have black men and white women be together" After futher poking, she explained to be together at the same school and ride the same bus. "Like Rosa Parks" I think we have her broke of saying brown and white people. That must be a Mackinaw thing.

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